What's your vegetable?

Yesterday I joined Rachel Staigar and alternew founder Nancy Rhodes for morning meditation and journaling (if ever there was a day where I needed more calm and connection, that was it). 

Instead of introducing ourselves with what we do, we answered the question. "If you were a vegetable, what would you be?"

I loved the answers (especially brussel sprouts because you didn't know how much you'd love them until you tried them) – they got everyone laughing and loosened up the room.

But mostly I loved this activity because it added creativity and humor to something that might otherwise be mundane.

This is exactly what I do with communication – make it more fun and compelling and creative. 

It's a lot like cooking – I give you a recipe to speak clearly and concisely while also letting your personality shine through. 

Want a peek into my process? 

It also starts with vegetables (and no you don't have to eat anything you don't like)

  • First, we identify your strengths and hone in on your message.

  • Then, we work on your mindset so you never look at communication the same way.

  • Finally, we practice your delivery and add in the spices so you can engage any audience at any time.

Here's how a corporate client described our work together:

"Madeline unlocked so much power in me, and incredibly, she did this in the most lighthearted, subtle and even fun way....Madeline got me to the point where I no longer “need” her help to prepare a presentation. Now I just *want* her in my corner on every talk I give because I’ve seen firsthand her gift for elevating a good-enough talk into something truly powerful and engaging.."

Just like brussel sprouts, you don't know what you're missing until you try it. 

Want to learn more about working together?  Let's chat.

Madeline Schwarz Headshot_small.jpg

Hi, I’m Madeline.

I help quiet leaders and organizations communicate their story and invite audiences into their world.

I’ve taught hundreds of professionals to confidently speak in public, craft talks that resonate with your audience and lead with authority.

Get in touch at madeline@madelineschwarz.com