Dream with Ambition

“Dream with ambition. Lead with conviction. See yourself in a way that others may not, simply because they haven't seen it before.”   

 Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris

Yesterday, I caught the most amazing moment of 2nd-grade remote school.

They were discussing the book Grace for President and one of the students told the teacher “I think you should be president. 

She replied, “I'm honored and I hope to teach a future president.”

What are you dreaming of? 

And how can I help?

Next week, I'm speaking at the Career Breakthrough Summit, an event for professional women designed to support you as you get promoted and move toward a senior leadership role.

If you’ve ever talked yourself out of opportunities because you worry it might require too many personal sacrifices, this event is for you.

Liz St. Jean is a leadership expert devoted to closing the leadership gender gap and ending dysfunctional workplaces.

I couldn’t be more excited to share 5 principles you can use to activate your empathy and listening power in difficult conversations. Join me Monday, November 16th.

I’m one of 14 experts sharing tips and strategies to advance yourself without losing yourself.

Topics range from setting boundaries, making working motherhood work for you and taking control of your energy in the most stressful situations..

Tickets are free and you can join us here.

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Hi, I’m Madeline.

I help quiet leaders and organizations communicate their story and invite audiences into their world.

Together we’ll transform how you communicate, at work, at home, in life.

Get in touch at madeline@madelineschwarz.com