Connection, Creativity, & Community

For the last few weeks, I’ve had this eerie experience waking up in the morning. 

Just before I open my eyes, I wonder whether the current state of the world is truly happening. 

For a split second I think maybe, just maybe, the twilight zone will end and I'll open my eyes to the New York I remember, to Brooklyn pre-coronavirus.

Raise your hand if you can relate. 

So how do you get out of bed when you'd rather stay under the covers?

Here are a few things that keep me going:

1. I have a 6-year-old.

Staying in bed is simply not an option.

2. I have work to do. 

Last week, I facilitated a workshop for the Jewish Museum that was supposed to be in person but moved online. I feel grateful that my work translates to virtual and that I have the luxury of staying home.

I love bringing people together for laughter and learning, and empowering others to speak up, share their ideas, and lead their teams. Work grounds me in purpose when the world has turned upside down.

3. I have people to lean on and people leaning on me.

I might be on physical lockdown but that doesn’t keep me from connecting with my community.

In March, I took part in Jenn Da Silva's Connect4Women challenge, to help women foster strong female networks.

When I wanted help spreading the word about Nancy Rhodes NYC Face Masks Initiative, I went to my network.

When I needed someone to pick up groceries for my brother (he's a nurse and has been sick with covid), I reached out to my network.

#Connect4Women is continuing into April so if there’s someone you want me to connect you with, reach out. That goes for everyone reading, regardless of gender identity.

And if we’re not connected on Linkedin, connect with me here.

4. Quarantine or not, I still have my creativity.

As my wise friend Jeff said, I’m pretty good at entertaining myself.

What I’m not so good at is homeschooling and teaching reading. So for right now, we’re focusing on activities that feed our creative spirit, things we both enjoy like coloring and crafting.

What about you?

Can I be helpful during this time?

If you’re looking for ways to talk about your work or yourself in authentic fun ways, join next week’s workshop Create an Engaging Presentation Chock Full of Personality. I’m teaming up with Danielle Zeitlin Hughes for 90 minutes of hands-on activities to help you create content that highlights your creativity - content you can use to update your Linkedin profile, write a new About page, or finally start that signature talk,

Tickets are here and limited to 15 people so grab an early bird ticket now.

If you want help engaging your team and communicating remotely, I'm here to support you. Email me at