What are you choosing?

"What you are not changing, you are choosing."

– Laurie Buchanon⠀

There was a time when I chose to stay quiet.

Chose not to speak up. Chose not to raise my hand at meetings.

I said no to opportunities because I was afraid of speaking in public, afraid of looking silly, afraid of being judged.

I did my best to slide under the radar because it seemed like the safest option.

What I didn’t realize was that along with hiding, I was choosing shame.

I was choosing to be embarrassed about something I didn’t know how to do.

I was choosing to NOT figure out how to do it.

Then I tried something different.

I visited Toastmasters and I signed up.

I chose change.

And on the other side of fear, I found liberation.

If getting comfortable speaking in front of a crowd is on your list of things to do, there’s no better time than now.

Choose change.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Get started with my free guide: Prep for Your Presentation in 5 Minutes. It walks you through 4 easy steps to get clear on your message and prepare for presentations even when you have no time.