Are you overthinking it?

“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”

- Tina Fey

Are you stuck at the top of the slide watching everyone else have fun?

Are you waiting for the perfect moment to feel ready? 

Do you need help moving forward on your goals?

Sometimes we need a gentle nudge to go down the slide, to get us out of our head and spur us into action. To remind us that the water is nice in the pool.

Is there a talk you want to give, a tough conversation you want to have, a career change you’ve been thinking about?

Are you overthinking, dreaming up reasons you can’t do it, instead of starting to do it?

What would change in your life if you worked on 1 of these goals? 

You don’t need to say no to opportunities because you don’t feel ready.

You can give the talk now. 

You can say yes to the panel now. 

You can build your authority now.

You can be an inspiring leader now. 

I can help you, before you feel ready.

Reach out to me.